Cigars have a tendency to extinguish themselves if left unattended, necessitating occasional relighting to maintain an even burn.
To relight a cigar, position the flame just in front of the foot and gently blow through the cigar to clear any trapped ash. Then, proceed to repeat the lighting process.
However, it’s advisable to strive for maintaining the cigar’s combustion on its own by taking a puff approximately every minute. Constantly relighting the cigar can alter its flavor profile, leading to a less enjoyable smoking experience.
Furthermore, it’s important to note that relighting a cigar is only suitable if it has been recently smoked. Attempting to relight a cigar that has been extinguished for an extended period may result in an unpleasant taste. In such cases, it’s preferable to start with a fresh cigar rather than attempting to salvage the extinguished one.