How Do You Light a Cigar?

Lighting a cigar requires a degree of finesse, but with practice, it will become second nature.
Choosing the Right Tool: The first step in lighting a cigar is selecting the appropriate tool for the job. Unlike cigarettes, cigars demand a more refined approach. Consider upgrading from disposable lighters to long cigar matches, a butane lighter, or a torch lighter for a more controlled and even burn.
Cigar Lighting Technique: Begin by toasting the foot of the cigar. Hold the cigar at a 45-degree angle, ensuring it is slightly away from the flame but close enough to gently toast. This step differs from simply igniting the cigar; toasting ensures that the wrapper and binder also begin to burn along with the filler. Take a few gentle puffs on the cigar to verify that it is burning evenly. The foot should exhibit a white ash, indicating a successful toast. Now, move the flame to about half an inch away from the foot to fully ignite the filler. Draw in air through the cigar, allowing the flame to catch hold of the foot. Upon successfully lighting the cigar, exhale a puff of smoke. It’s advisable to wait briefly, allowing the burn to stabilize and ensure an even burn. Some cigar brands, especially those containing oily ligero tobacco, may require additional toasting to achieve an optimal burn. Patience and attention to detail are key when lighting a cigar, ensuring a pleasurable smoking experience from start to finish.