How Do You Smoke a Cigar?

Mastering the art of cigar smoking requires skill and practice.
Do You Inhale Cigars? A fundamental rule of cigar smoking is to refrain from inhaling the smoke. Unlike cigarettes, where inhalation is common practice, cigars contain a dense concentration of tobacco and smoke, making inhalation uncomfortable and potentially harmful. Puffing on a cigar involves drawing smoke into the mouth, holding it momentarily, and then exhaling. This method allows for the enjoyment of the cigar’s flavors and aromas without the need to inhale into the lungs.
Slow and Steady Whether you’re a seasoned aficionado or new to the world of cigars, pacing your smoking is essential. Aim to take a puff on the cigar approximately every 60-120 seconds. Smoking too rapidly can cause the cigar to burn too hot, leading to an unpleasant taste and potentially making you feel unwell. Conversely, allowing the cigar to sit idle for extended periods can cause it to extinguish prematurely.
Embracing a slow and steady approach is advisable, as it allows the cigar’s flavors to develop and mature while preventing overheating. As the cigar burns past the halfway point and diminishes in size, consider extending the resting period to further enhance the smoking experience and prevent overheating.
By adopting a measured approach to cigar smoking, you can fully savor the intricate flavors and nuances of each cigar while ensuring a smooth and enjoyable smoking session.