If you’re planning to sample a cigar shortly after purchase, there’s minimal concern regarding storage. Many individual cigars now come in tubes, providing an ideal storage solution until you’re ready to indulge. These tubes serve a dual purpose, not only safeguarding the cigar but also offering a convenient carry option for future use.
Alternatively, cigars may arrive in clear plastic wrappers, suitable for short-term storage if kept in a cool, dry environment and intended for consumption within a couple of days.
Investing in a Humidor: For those intending to delve into cigar smoking more regularly, a humidor is a wise investment to maintain cigar quality. Without proper storage, cigars are susceptible to drying out, leading to issues such as cracks, wrapper peeling, flavor loss, and accelerated burn rates.
Humidors play a crucial role in preserving cigar freshness by regulating humidity levels, ensuring an optimal smoking experience. This is particularly essential as tobacco-growing regions like Cuba maintain higher humidity levels than regions like the UK. A humidor is indispensable for keeping cigars fresh and maintaining the ideal humidity level for an enjoyable smoke.
Here’s a guide on effectively utilizing a humidor to preserve your cigar collection:
Selecting the Right Humidor:
Opt for a high-quality humidor that suits the size of your cigar collection. We recommend choosing one lined with Spanish cedar, known for its moisture-regulating properties and ability to enhance flavor.
Maintaining Humidity Levels:
Ensure the humidity within your humidor is set to the optimal range of 65-70%. Periodically monitor the humidity levels and make adjustments as necessary, especially if your cigars are showing signs of becoming too dry or too moist.
Proper Sizing:
Maintain an appropriate balance of space within your humidor. Avoid overcrowding, as this can impede airflow and affect humidity distribution. Similarly, refrain from leaving excessive room, as this can lead to fluctuations in humidity levels. If your humidor is underutilized, consider filling any gaps with additional cedar wood or cigar boxes. Conversely, if space becomes limited due to an expanding collection, it may be time to consider upgrading to a larger humidor or acquiring a supplementary storage solution.
Routine Maintenance:
Regularly tend to your humidor to ensure optimal performance. This includes periodically refilling the humidification system with water and inspecting it for any signs of wear or malfunction. By staying vigilant with maintenance tasks, you can prolong the life of your humidor and safeguard the quality of your cigars.