Crafting exceptional pairings with cigars is a captivating subject for us because, much like everything else we explore, it contributes to the sensory delight experienced through our palate and olfactory senses. In this article and accompanying video, we aim to impart insights on how to curate remarkable pairings for your cigars. Indeed, it often boils down to methodically determining what complements cigars best.
It’s important to clarify that we’re not delving into tasting here; pairings go beyond discerning the individual characteristics of a cigar. If you seek to appreciate a cigar on its own merits, it’s advisable to refrain from pairing it with anything other than water. Pairing, on the other hand, is about elevating and enriching your cigar enjoyment.
Several classic pairings with cigars exist, with one common starting point being to “Do as the locals do!” Traditional pairings such as coffee and rum are favored because they are frequently produced in the same regions or countries as the cigars they accompany.