Pairing alcohol with cigars follows a strategic approach: many of the robust flavor molecules present in cigars are insoluble in water, meaning they won’t be perceived by your taste buds when paired solely with water. However, these molecules are soluble in alcohol, thus enhancing the intensity of flavors when combined with cigars.
Beer: The diverse spectrum of beer styles presents a challenge in pairing with cigars. While a light Lager-style beer might offer an easy pairing, experimentation is essential. For instance, a rich, sweet Stout might complement a dark, robust cigar perfectly. However, be mindful that beer pairings can sometimes accentuate the bitterness in a cigar.
Wines: Contrary to popular belief, red wines can be challenging to pair with cigars, particularly those high in tannins. Older or lighter red wines generally fare better. Surprisingly, white wines often make excellent pairings, with off-dry Riesling being particularly praised for enhancing cigar aromas.
Fortified wines: Ports, Sherries, and Madeiras, fortified with Brandy, offer unique flavor profiles that pair beautifully with cigars, especially the sweeter varieties. The aged aromas of dried fruits and nuts in sweeter Madeiras, for example, complement cigars exceptionally well.
Clear Spirits: Colorless spirits like Vodka are prized for their ability to enhance cigar flavors without adding their own distinct taste. Gin and white Rum may require more finesse due to their inherent flavors but can still be utilized effectively in cocktails.
Brown, cask-aged spirits: Aged Rum and Whiskey are renowned for their harmonious pairing with cigars. The sweetness of aged Rum complements the earthy and spicy notes of cigars, while Whiskey’s complexity allows for both complementary and contrasting pairings.
Brandies: Cognac and Brandy, with their similar aroma profiles to cigars, offer harmonious pairing experiences. Spanish “Brandy de Jerez” presents an alternative with slightly different aroma profiles, providing excellent value compared to French counterparts.
Cocktails: Crafting cocktails tailored to specific cigar flavor profiles elevates the pairing experience. Professional sommeliers have been known to create bespoke cocktails for each stage of a cigar, accentuating the evolving flavors. For instance, a mix of sweet Ruby Port and Cognac over ice creates a memorable cigar cocktail, perfect for savoring the last third of a cigar.