Coffee stands as a timeless pairing, offering versatility with cigars. Among the classics, the Cuban “café cortado” reigns, boasting a sweet yet robust profile, optionally infused with milk.
On the other hand, tea presents itself as an equally favorable companion. Whole leaf teas like Darjeeling often harmonize better than flavored variants, though exploration is key to discovering optimal pairings.
Cold non-alcoholic beverages also offer intriguing possibilities. While water is the most analytically neutral choice, the variety of water types yields diverse experiences. From salty mineral waters to sparkling variants, each imparts a distinct flavor profile. Filtered water or rich-tasting still waters like Hawaiian Springs, Qure, or Essentia can yield excellent results.
For those with a penchant for sodas, options like cola are viable, but it’s essential to consider the impact on the smoking experience. The high sweetness, carbonation, and low pH of soda can significantly alter the flavor dynamics, so personal taste preferences should guide your selection.