Should You Age Cigars?

Aging cigars is a practice embraced by many enthusiasts seeking to elevate their smoking experience. While it’s true that most cigars are already aged by the manufacturer, with the tobacco undergoing aging processes before and after rolling, some aficionados still enjoy aging them further for personal enjoyment and experimentation.
Rather than aging individual cigars, it’s commonly recommended to purchase a box of cigars and allow them to age collectively in a humidor. Sampling a cigar from the box upon purchase and then periodically smoking subsequent cigars over the course of several months or years (depending on the quantity) allows for a fascinating exploration of how flavors and aromas evolve over time.
Keeping a journal to record notes about each smoking experience enables enthusiasts to track the development of their aged cigars. This process provides valuable insights into how aging affects the flavor profile and overall smoking enjoyment, adding an element of discovery and appreciation to the cigar aficionado’s journey.