Understanding Cigar Sizes

Understanding vitolas is essential if you’re navigating the world of cigars and aiming to select the perfect one for your taste. A vitola encompasses the shape, length, and ring gauge of a cigar, defining its physical dimensions and appearance. Cigars come in a range of standard sizes, each bearing its own distinct name.
In cigar terminology, length is typically measured in inches, while the ring gauge denotes the cigar’s diameter in units of 1/64th of an inch. For instance, a cigar with a 64 ring gauge would have a diameter of one inch—although most cigars are smaller than this standard. Each vitola maintains consistency in its length, ring gauge, and overall shape, allowing you to identify the cigar’s size solely by its name. For example, cigars such as the Montecristo No 3, the Davidoff Chateau Latour, and the Hoyo de Monterrey Le Hoyo du Roi are all classified as Coronas, sharing similar dimensions and characteristics. Understanding vitolas empowers cigar enthusiasts to make informed choices based on their preferred size and smoking experience.